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Reality Check Festival

March 22, 2024
  • TALK
  • Festival

Sickhouse joins Reality Check Festival with a Talk and a workshop on Friday 22-03 in Metropool.

The Reality Check Festival is organized by Saxion XR Lab, Saxion Creative Media & Game Technology study program, and the ROC van Twente, unites professionals, students, and enthusiasts who are shaping new realities.

Marie Janin, co-director of Sickhouse will present a talk : "Curating through video games".

In this talk Marie Janin, co-director of Sickhouse and The Overkill looks back at the curating processes of the festival and how the different games mechanics, narratives, controllers, players have been used as a lens to reflect on societal challenges.

Marie will present playful projects, arthouse video games, immersive installations that transformed the shape of the exhibition and the way visitors experience games and art within the festival.

Date : Friday 22-03
Time : 10.00
Location : Metropool Enschede

Pablo San Gregorio from Shaman Garage will host Hybrid World Building Workshop in the afternoon.

This workshop is designed to collectively build a playable environment. The participants create props and figures in clay and use photogrammetry to digitize them. In the virtual space the participants will be able to walk through the scenarios they invented and collectively cartograph the landscape. This activity is an opportunity to approach the concept of worlding for video games and immersive 3D installation in a ludic way.

Pablo takes care of the material, you just need to come with yourself.
Date : Friday 22-03
Time : 13.00 to 15.30
Location : Metropool


To find out mopre about the festival :
website Reality Check festival
Entrance : 10€ et 50€ (give access to the whole festival)