Sickhoes iteration #1

May 25–16 June, 2023
  • ART
  • Sickhoes


For the first iteration of our video program by Sickhoes, we selected three videos questioning our self becoming within the virtual realm. The work presented are questioning identity within the digital, virtual and artificial consciousness and the future of human and non-human relations.


  • Ryan Cherewaty, Memory of Death’s Dream, 14.23 min

Caught between sleep and dreamstate, conscious and unconscious, alive and non-alive, human and non-human... how are these lines delineated, and by whom? Memory of Death’s Dream is an animated film that explores ideas about the future of human consciousness when viewed from the perspective of an artificial intelligence.

  • BBB_ , Raving Narcissistic Algorithm #5, 5.04 min, Gameplay within Songs of Cyborgeoisie

Songs of Cyborgeoisie is a philosophical audio-visual journey through a sci-fi universe, populated by technological, organic, and fantastic beings who share their sorrows and hopes, in order to heal human imagination from the pervading techno-dystopian narratives.

  • Angela Washko, The Council on Gender Sensitivity and Behavioral Awareness in World of Warcraft, Playing A Girl, 20.48 min

From 2012-2016, Angela Washko created performances as The Council on Gender Sensitivity and Behavioral Awareness in World of Warcraft inside the most popular multiplayer online video game of all time. Instead of killing enemies, getting better equipment, and exploring dungeons like she did for many years prior, Washko started travelling to major towns in the game-space to discuss the ways in which women, femmes, and non-binary people are treated in WoW with other players.

This first selection of videos are looping from 19.00 to 22.00 on Thursday 25-05 and during the museum opening times until the 16th of June.