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Global Game Jam 2024

26–28 January, 2024
  • GAME
  • JAM

Sickhouse welcomes you for the GLOBAL GAME JAM 2024!

From Rwanda to the Philippines, from Brazil to Kazakhstan and from Cambodia to Enschede, all over the world people are working at the same time, creating amazing games!

Because Sickhouse does not have a physical space at the moment, we will be hosting the JAM from Concordia's room. (Oude Markt above the cinema).

In Sickhouse, you can join with your team, or come by yourself! We can welcome 20 makers, for the weekend! When Sickhouse is part of the GLOBAL GAME JAM, we want to welcome every indie/arthouse game makers ready to challenge the games rules. Alternative controller, hybrid, world building, puzzle, VR, XR ... anything is possible.



Friday 18.00 to 00.00
Theme reveal, introductions of the makers, getting in teams.

Saturday 12.00 to 00.00
Workshop (tba) + game making

Sunday 12.00 to 18.00
Game making + public presentation

  • SICKPROD 2024

The Jam is also the occasion for game makers interested in our Sickprod trajectory to get to know us and get a sense of what the program will be.

Sickprod is a year long mentorship, provided by Sickhouse where a young studio gets the support of the team and mentor Zuraida Buter to develop a new project. Every month the studio will host a game night, after our colliders meet-up, in relatioin to their project. Over the year, The game makers are also invited to join events and meet-uop to meet peers and present their work.At the end of the year the new game/installation is premiere at The Overkill festival.

In 2023 Sickprod supported Pablo San Gregorio and Ivan McGill (shaman garage studio) in the realisation of their game Data Garden (steam)